Social Highs
3 CENTER FOR CREATIVE EDUCATION — Annual Spring Dinner celebrating 31 years; 7pm at Club Colette. Pam, Miller, Laura Rehnert and Margaret Sinclair, Chairs. $1500. Call Jonathon Ortiz-Smykla at 561.805.9927. By invitation.
THE MIND, MUSIC, AND MOVEMENT FOUNDATION FOR NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS (M3F) / FAU’S STILES-NICHOLSON BRAIN INSTITUTE — The Power of Arts & Science for Resiliency in Aging; 5pm- 7:30pm at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU, 5353 Parkside Dr. in Jupiter. Free symposium features presentations by experts in neuroscience, aging, and the arts. Registration is required. Call 561.510.8611 or visit
4 DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE AND THE JIMMY FUND — Annual Breakfast with the Doctors; 9am-11am at The Beach Club. Chaired and underwritten by the Schlager Weinstein families. Sponsored by member Frank Chopin. Email Karen Martins at or call 561.833.2080.
PALM BEACH POLICE & FIRE FOUNDATION — Joint Chiefs Advisory Council Cocktail Party at Mar-a-Lago. By invitation.
THE KING'S FOUNDATION — Cocktail Reception and Exhibition of commissioned paintings of His Majesty King Charles III’s private residence, Highgrove House by Charles Neal, followed by a Terrace Dinner for Major Donors; 6pm at Findlay Galleries. By invitation.
5 KRAVIS CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS — Kravis Center Gala; 5:30pm. Kristen and David Lambert, Renay Wasserstein and William A. Meyer, Chairs. Call 561.651.4320.
DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE AND THE JIMMY FUND — Annual Palm Beach Leadership Dinner at the Sailfish Club. Nancy and Craig Gibson and Phyllis Krock, Chairs. By invitation.
ALZHEIMER’S DRUG DISCOVERY FOUNDATION — Inaugural Palm Beach Scientific Summit, co-hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta; 6pm at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. Nancy Goodes, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, Ann Jackson, Judy Glickman Lauder, Bonnie Lautenberg, Heidi McWilliams and Silvia Zoullas, Co-Chairs; Leonard A. Lauder and Ronald S. Lauder, Honorary Chairs.
6 CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY OF FLORIDA — Fifth Annual Spring Luncheon. 11am at The Colony. Tere Borgia, Chair; Kathy Leone and Wendy Roberts, Honorary Chairs. Call 561.402.0823.
PALM BEACH ROUND TABLE — Reception; 4pm-6pm at The Alderton home featuring The Wine Diva - Chris Ansbacher. Call 561.832.6418.
FOUNDCARE FOUNDATION — À Votre Santé; 6:30pm Champagne Reception; 7:30pm Dinner and Dancing at the Mandel Recreation Center Front Lawn at 340 Seaview in Palm Beach. Call Michelle Jaminet at 561.346.3465.
CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF PALM BEACH — Baroque Feast: Bach & Telemann; 6pm at Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach. Visit or call 561.379.6773.
LIGHTHOUSE ARTCENTER — 12th Annual Plein Air Festival Award Ceremony & Collectors’ Party; 5pm at Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta. Call 561.746.3101 or
8 CARDINAL NEWMAN HIGH SCHOOL — Newman Night 2025: An Evening of Polynesian Paradise honoring Mary Jo Higgins and Virginia O’Hara at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts. Tiffany Eitel, Michelle Gonzalez and Wendy Tuma, Chairs. Email Mary Martens at or 561.619.7280.
9 ANN NORTON SCULPTURE GARDENS — Sixth Annual Jazz in the Gardens Concert Series - Celebrating the Greats featuring world-class artist Leesa Richards; 11pm-3pm. $35 for adults, $25 for members and seniors and $12 for children. Reservations required. Visit or call 561.832.5328.
10 PROMISE FUND OF FLORIDA — Major Donor Dinner and Award Celebration; 6:30pm at Club Colette honoring Nicki Harris with the Daniel E. Ponton Excellence in Community Service Award and Kathleen B. Walgreen with the Betty Ford Trailblazer Award, presented by Susan Ford Bales. Julie Fisher Cummings, Paulette Koch, Diane Sculley and Laurie Silvers, Chairs. Email or call 561.307.8000.
12 LIGHTHOUSE FOR THE BLIND — Fourth Annual EnVision 20/20 Luncheon at the Sailfish Club. Champagne and Wine Teacup Auction, lunch, a keynote address and entertainment by a visually impaired musician. Page Ferrell and Roshan Massoumi, Chairs; Maria Beaudouin, International Honorary Chair. Shawn M. Donnelley and Christopher Kelly, Maria Beaudouin, Baucke Family Foundation, Transdev, Roshan Massoumi and Gardens Wealth Management, Major Sponsors. Tickets: $175. Call Lisa Stella at 561.586.5600 or visit
MIND, MUSIC & MOVEMENT FOUNDATION FOR NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS (M3F) — Coffee Talk; 11:30am - 12:30pm at Tropical Sands Christian Church in Palm Beach Gardens. Tiffany DiPanni, Founder of Social Savvy Seniors talks about how to recognize scams, prevent fraud, and stay safe in today’s digital world. Free. Registration at or by calling 561.510.8611.
13 RDK MELANOMA FOUNDATION — 25th Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show featuring Carolina Herrera; 10:30pm at The Breakers Palm Beach. Ellen Merriman, Beth Neuhoff and Vera Serrano, Honorary Chairs; Suzanne Niedland, International Chair. Call 561.655.9655 or visit
MORSELIFE HEALTH SYSTEM — 17th Annual Literary Society; 8:45am at The Colony. Featuring award-winning author Colm Tóibín - Long Island. Cynthia Berenson, Penny Blumstein and Marlene Strauss, Hosts. Email or call 561.242.4661. By invitation.
SAFEGUARD PALM BEACH — Spring Safety Forum and Cocktail Reception at Mandel Recreation Center. Call 561.508.3547.
14 JUPITER POLICE FOUNDATION — Fourth Annual Jupiter Police Officers’ Ball: Boots, Buckles, & Badges – An Evening of Country Western Elegance; 6pm at The Club at Admirals Cove in Jupiter. Call 561.741.2234 or
15 AMFAR PALM BEACH — Palm Beach Gala honoring Martha Stewart with the Award of Inspiration and Steve and Andrea Wynn with Philanthropic Leadership Award. Special performance by Ricky Martin. Ken Griffin, Chair. Email
17 IRISH GEORGIAN SOCIETY — Luncheon; 11:30am at Cafe Boulud. Call 312.678.4431.
18 IRISH GEORGIAN SOCIETY — Dinner at Club Colette. Call 312.678.4431.
CHILDREN’S HEALING INSTITUTE — Breakfast at Tiffany’s Tea & Fashion Show; 2pm-4pm at North Palm Beach Country Club at
951 US 1 in North Palm Beach. Tickets: $150. Call 561.687.8115 or visit
19 ANN NORTON SCULPTURE GARDENS — An Evening of Music and Art in the Gardens; 6pm. Frances and Jeffrey Fisher and Susan and Bob Wright. Chairs. By invitation.
20 LIGHTHOUSE ARTCENTER — 47th Annual Member Show Award Reception; 5pm at Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta. Call 561.746.3101 or visit
23 BASCOM PALMER EYE INSTITUTE — Palm Beach Dinner; 6:30pm at Club Colette. By invitation.
24 PALM BEACH POLICE & FIRE FOUNDATION — Annual Golf Classic & Dinner at Trump International Golf Club. By invitation.
29 VITA NOVA — Eighth Annual Mallets & Martinis; 6pm at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach featuring croquet, martinis, auction, dinner and live music. Dr. Vassillia Binensztok and Michael Davis, Chairs. Tickets: 275 each. To learn more, become a sponsor, and/or purchase tickets visit or call 561.472.4809.
31 TOWN OF PALM BEACH UNITED WAY — Alexis de Tocqueville Society Award Dinner. Kimberly and Scott Goodwin, and Josephine and Jason Kalisman, Chairs. By invitation.
2 PALM BEACH ROUND TABLE — Annual Fundraiser Brunch; Noon at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre featuring the production of Guys & Dolls. Call 561.832.6418.
3 BUSCH WILDLIFE SANCTUARY — Flora & Fauna Spring Luncheon at The Colony. David Busch and Farley Rentschler, Chairs. Meet animal ambassadors and learn about wildlife. Call 561.575.3399. or visit
THE SALVATION ARMY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY — The 35th Annual Hearts of Gold Luncheon at The Beach Club hosted by the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary; 11am- 2:30pm at The Beach Club. Tickets $225. Email Christina Leone at or call 561.686.3530, ext 26280.
ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL — Spring for Hope Cocktail Reception; 6pm at The Colony featuring entertainment by DJ Adam Lipson, food, drinks, and special St. Jude moments. Erin Hawthornthwaite and Deborah Miller, Chairs. Tickets: $300. RSVP by March 27th. Call Kara Patterson at 561.516.0396 or email For sponsorship and tickets visit
AMERICAN FRIENDS OF MAGEN DAVID ADOM (AFMDA) — Palm Beach Gala; 6pm at The Breakers Palm Beach.
4 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY — Barefoot on the Beach at The Beach Club. Greg Conners, Chair. Call 561.683.3287.
5 HOPITAL ALBERT SCHWEITZER HAITI — White Hot Night Gala at the Sailfish Club. Louise H. Stephaich, Chair. By invitation.
6 AMERICAN HUMANE — Seventh Annual Pups4Patriots Dinner Dance at Club Colette. Call 561.537.5887.
7 PALM BEACH CIVIC ASSOCIATION — Annual Meeting; 10am at the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum.
MORSELIFE HEALTH SYSTEM — Annual Golf Classic Awards Luncheon; noon at the Flagler Steakhouse. Pam and Ed Pantzer, Chairs. Call 561.242.4661.
8 WEST PALM BEACH LIBRARY FOUNDATION — Food for Thought Dinner at The Beach Club. Melissa Sullivan, Chair. Call 561.868.7717.
9 MIND, MUSIC & MOVEMENT FOUNDATION FOR NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS (M3F) — Coffee Talk; 11:30am - 12:30pm at Tropical Sands Christian Church in Palm Beach Gardens. The Parkinson’s Foundation presents essential hospital safety tips, including proper medication management and effective communication with healthcare providers. Free. Registration at or by calling 561.510.8611.
10 PALM BEACH POLICE & FIRE FOUNDATION — Council of 100 Annual Spring Dinner at The Breakers Palm Beach. By invitation.
11 CANCER ALLIANCE OF HELP & HOPE — Dance the Night Away; 6pm at The Breakers Palm Beach. Lois Pope and Caroline Harless, Chairs. Call 561.748.7227 or visit
GARDEN CLUB OF PALM BEACH — Flower Show Preview Party; 6pm at the Society of the Four Arts O'Keefe Gallery. Patt Sned and Sue Strickland Co-Chairs. By invitation.
20 LIGHTHOUSE ARTCENTER — Roadside Reveries Opening Reception; 5pm at Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta. Call 561.746.3101 or visit
30 PEGGY ADAMS ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE — Happy Tails in Palm Beach; 6pm-9pm at The Park, 7301 Georgia Avenue, West Palm Beach. Mish Tworkowski and Hillary Thomas, Chairs. For tickets and sponsorships email Anne Schmidt at, call 561.530.6066 or
7 TOWN OF PALM BEACH UNITED WAY — 80th Annual Meeting at The Breakers Palm Beach. Richard Rothschild, Board Chair. All donors welcome. RSVP at 561.655.1919.
8 DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION — Palm Beach Chapter Annual Meeting and Luncheon; 11:30am at The Beach Club. Call 540.295.0902.
15 PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE / THE FOUNDATION FOR PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE — Emerald Torch Awards at SoFi Center at the campus of Palm Beach State College in Palm Beach Gardens.
24 PALM BEACH POLICE & FIRE FOUNDATION — 20th Annual Palm Beach Police & Fire Rescue Ball, 6:30pm at Mar-a-Lago.
Bret and Amy Baier, Chairs; Jeff and Nicola Marcus and John and Amy Phelan, Honorary Chairs. Call 561.820.8118.